dr Jakub Kabza

Attorney-at-law, Team Coordinator


Phone number: +48 608 663 751


Graduated with honours in law (2009) and administration (2008) from the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Jagiellonian University. Graduate of doctoral studies at the same Faculty (2013). Doctor of legal sciences. Legal adviser registered on the list of legal advisers kept by the Council of the Regional Chamber of Legal Advisers in Krakow.



  • new technology law
  • prawo kontraktów handlowych
  • corporate law
  • M&A transactions
  • prawo rynku kapitałowego
  • prawo ochrony danych osobowych, w tym RODO
  • procesy negocjacyjne oraz spory

Doświadczenie zawodowe

He started his career in 2009 at a brokerage house listed on the WSE, initially in the private equity department, where he held, among other things, the position of director. From 2010 to 2015, he was employed in the legal department of the brokerage house. Since 2013, he has been associated with the law firm JCJK. Since 2015, he has been the managing lawyer at JCJK law firm. He has several years of experience in serving business entities. He has served on the management and supervisory bodies of legal entities. He currently serves as a member of supervisory boards in capital companies, including public companies. He speaks English.

Wybrane publikacje naukowe

A. Kabza, J. Kabza, ZUS inspections at the payer of contributions as a barrier to doing business - analysis in the light of law and economics, in J. Glumińska-Pawlic, B. Przywora, A. Słysz (ed.), Identification of legal barriers to doing business. Selected issues, C.H.Beck Publishing House, Warsaw 2021;
J. Kabza, The special status of the internal law of the church on the example of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church, in M. Hucał, A. Filak (eds.), The Evangelical-Augsburg Church in relations with the state. Aspekty ustrojowe i prawne, Oficyna Wydawnicza ASPAR-JR, Warsaw 2018;
Author or co-author of commentaries on Articles 1-11, 20, 22-27, 29-33, 47-48, of the Act on the Relationship of the State to the Evangelical-Augsburg Church in the Republic of Poland and 2-3 and 6 of the Fundamental Internal Law in: J. Cebula (ed.), Law of the Evangelical-Augsburg Church. Commentary, C.H. Beck Publishing House, Warsaw 2017;
J. Kabza, Koncesje i zezwolenia. Analiza ekonomiczna, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw 2014;
B. Brożek, J. Kabza, An Economic Analysis of International Private Law: Two Theoretical Models,
Krakauer-Augsburger Rechtsstudien IV, Wolters Kluwer Polska, Warszawa 2010.
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